Growth Group Frequently Asked Questions

Click on any question below to expand and get all the answers you can handle. Have questions not on the list? Just reach out below!


+ Lots of companies and consultants do Leadership Development. What makes YOU unique?

A few things:

  1. We are really good at connecting with millennial talent and helping them grow into their highest potential.
  2. Everything we do is about helping your talent become more connected and committed to your company. We connect individual purpose to your company’s purpose, and ignite mission-driven leaders who help you shape company culture and grow your business. We customize our offering around your company and help your team grow closer together with peers who double as success partners and friends.
  3. We don’t just teach incredible content. We bring the systems, mentorship, and powerful peer group forum to actually apply what we are learning and achieve results that go beyond theory.
  4. We are the pioneers of Collective Leadership Development and masters at applying the power of the mastermind group concept within companies.

+ What is Collective Leadership Development anyways?

Collective Leadership Development harnesses the power of the peer group to develop highly effective leaders. Entrepreneurs have long used mastermind groups to tap into the collective energy, experience, and expertise of their peers - taking their leadership and their impact to the next level.

Companies are now discovering the power of intentionally crafted and professionally facilitated mastermind groups to develop strong leaders more connected and committed to their company. It's so much more than a monthly meeting.

Check out the Growth Group Advantage to see the 5 elements we bring to bear to help companies develop strong leaders.

+ How do I know which of my leaders to select for the Growth Group?

Two primary criteria for Growth Group participants: high-potential and growth-oriented. The type of leader your company really wants to invest in and the type of leader that will really appreciate your investment.

The larger the company, the more it might make sense to narrow the profile of your ideal Growth Group participant to strike more of a shared level of experience in the group, e.g. has direct reports, mid-level manager, director-potential, senior individual contributor, pipeline program member, etc. Some companies may opt to have multiple groups for target segments.

We can partner with you to define in more detail what this would look like for your company. For more guidance on the kind of person who fits as well as who’s not a fit, check out this link.

+ How frequently does a Growth Group meet? Do you offer groups remotely?

We will tailor a program that fits your company. Most of our Growth Groups meet monthly via video conference for 90 minutes with systems to engender engagement and collaboration throughout the month. We've become especially adept at driving results with virtual teams.

+ I’m not sure about a recurring commitment. How long should I expect to keep the same leaders in a Growth Group?

Did you know we offer standalone workshops? Get a high-impact session that will fundamentally change the way your team thinks, and opt for a Growth Group when you're ready to capitalize on the value delivered by applying our systems, peer group forum, and outside mentoring to sustain momentum and drive superior results.

We recommend a 12-month duration following our curriculum for optimal results. You can start by piloting a single Growth Group. Collect feedback from participants and managers to assess impact / outcomes (we have tools to help here). We're confident you'll want to expand once you see the value delivered.

+ How do we realize results at work? How do you sustain momentum after the Growth Group experience?

In addition to getting more fulfilled, engaged, and equipped leaders (i.e. translating to higher satisfaction, retention, and productivity), we partner with companies to help them ensure their leaders’ growth is recognized and leveraged to the highest potential and the company’s greatest benefit.

We work closely with HR and line-managers to ensure key milestones are achieved and your leaders are equipped for more responsibility and greater impact. Each leader’s growth plan is a living tool managers use to gain deeper insight into their strengths and areas of focus as well as their roadmap for future company impact.

We can define the end date for the formal Growth Group experience, but the growth journey always carries on. We pride ourselves in our ability to ignite and cultivate a passion for growth in leaders that never goes away.

+ My company doesn’t have a very compelling mission statement that drives the organization. Can you still work with us to develop mission-driven leaders?

That’s okay. Lots of companies have this issue. They have great intentions and a desire to be mission-driven, but they lack a clear and compelling mission that truly drives the organization and differentiates them in the marketplace.

The key for us is that your company is values-driven at its core and has a senior leadership team that wants to cultivate a mission-driven organization. We can help you clarify your mission and craft a mission and ethos that inspires your team and helps set you apart in the marketplace. See our “Creating A Mission-Driven Company” offering for more info.

We are really good at connecting the dots between your talent’s personal purpose / mission and your company’s purpose / mission. It’s key for building deep connection and attracting and retaining the type of talent every company covets.

+ What sort of topics are available in the curriculum?

We offer modules in 3 broad categories: General Leadership, Operating Excellence, and Marketing & Selling. Check out our list of available modules here.

If there’s an area of focus your company wants to pursue that is not on this list, we will listen to your needs and create content that addresses it.

+ What companies are not a good fit for a Growth Group?

Companies who cannot make space and time to support leaders in a Growth Group during business hours due to the nature of their business are unfortunately not the right fit. (We have found success with early morning and lunch hours in acccommodating less flexible schedules.)

Companies who are only concerned with generating higher productivity and don’t appreciate the personal consumption angle are unfortunately not the right fit.

You know you’re doing leadership development right when it’s your most valued talent’s most valued employee benefit. The companies we work with really care about:

  • Healthy culture
  • Investing in their people's growth in a meaningful way that builds connection and commitment to their company and their mission
  • Driving higher engagment, productivity, and retention

+ My company has leadership pipeline programs, but we’re seeing mixed results and struggle with retention. Can you help with this?

Our CEO grew up in a very robust leadership pipeline program, so they are our favorite. We can help in two ways:

  1. Place a cohort in a Growth Group and let us leverage our systems, mastermind group model, and outside mentoring to supplement your program. We will work with you to rationalize development programming so we don’t duplicate efforts - it’s about complementing your program by dovetailing the missing elements that are key to unlocking improved results.
  2. We offer outside mentoring and coaching programs for HiPo leaders on an individual basis.

+ Do you offer any standalone workshops for leadership teams or other audiences?

We sure do. We run engaging workshops virtually and in-person, and we frequently craft new sessions based on our clients' needs Learn more here.

+ Do you only work with Millennials?

Gosh no. It's a sweet spot that we do better than anyone else, but we work with all generations and levels of leaders.